Day 1 – Seville to Santiponce – VdlP Camino Blog & Video

by | Mar 25, 2023 | Camino Via de la Plata, Journey, Videos | 4 comments

VDLP Camino Day 1.

My first Camino day on the Via de la Plata (VdlP)! Very excited. I have been waiting years to walk this Camino.

A short walk today, only 10kms, from Seville to Santiponce just as a warm up and to give me time to look at the Roman ruins at Italica. Even though a short walk it was nice to finally get going and some of the countryside was actually quite nice. Being back on the Camino felt like coming home!

This Camino is going to be so different in so many ways.  It’s a much longer Camino, as it will be over 1,000 kms.  The terrain is different.  The daily distances are longer than my previous walks on the Camino Frances.  This is because of the distances between towns and villages.  And I have to carry a lot more water, for the same reason.

But it’s pure joy.  The crunch crunch of the fine gravel under my feet.  The beautiful weather.  Just to be in Spain again is a blessing.  The Via de la Plata has a bit of a reputation for being a hard and lonely Camino.  But I think I’m going to love it.

The walk out of Seville was actually quite pleasant, and the path along the river was really nice.   On reaching Santiponce I had enough time to look around the old Roman Town of Italica.  And then a nice relaxing lunch at my Hotel, just opposite.  I’m definitely feeling like I’m ‘home’.

Tonight I stayed at a large Hotel right opposite Italica, called Hotel Anfiteatro Romano.  It was a tourist Hotel and quite busy, but comfortable and nice food.

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  1. Lawrence Farrell

    Rob, I watched some of your videos planning my Camino (starting in 2019-20), but never commented until viewing your VLOG – which was a great way for me to relive the walk. We were on the VdeP at about the same time. I left Seville on March 25 of this year finishing on May 5th (taking the Sanabres). In fact we stayed at the same places in Guillena and Castillblanco de los Arroyos. I also met the two guys you walked with from North Carolina (unusual since I’m retired living in NC) in the municipal albergue in Casar de Caceres. Unfortunately, one of them had foot troubles on the 33 km day to Canaveral – brutally long, tough day – so that was the last I saw of them. Then about a week later I ran into a couple from Sydney in Tabara and ended up walking with them on and off to Santiago. A bit after we met, I asked if they were familiar with your videos. Well it turns out that you traveled together a bit and they went to the spa day with you – small world. I’m sure I will post comments to your vlog. Just thought I would introduce myself to put some context to any comments. Larry

    • Rob

      It’s a small World indeed. All lovely people that I spent quite a bit of time with. We must have ‘almost’ met many times!

      I can recommend the Roman Bath in Aljucen!
      Booking it was quite funny as I had booked before leaving Seville.
      When asked how many were in my ‘party’, I shyly responded ONE.
      Adding that “I’m sure I’ll meet others along the way though”

      And indeed I did. The baths were quite a treat.

  2. Jane McGhee

    We need to travel from Cacereres to Ourense on May 17. How can we get there in 1 day?



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