As we hit milestones in the number of subscribers on Robscamino, and as we walk more Caminos, we like to show our Gratitude by helping others.

OK, so what’s this all about you might be asking?

Well, in my ‘day job’ I run a consulting business.

And we give 10% of our profits to charity.

Over the years it’s become a habit for us to show gratitude by making small charitable gifts on behalf of others.

And we do it on our business YouTube channels, so I thought “Why not here too” on the Robscamino channel and Blog.

We’re very lucky to be able to do it, and I think it’s a nice way of saying Thank You to our Subscribers.

See you there 😊


Best Wishes from Rob and Pat

So as we hit these small milestones in the number of subscribers on Robscamino, or when we walk another Camino, we like to show our Gratitude by helping others.

We offset our air travel to the Camino


  1. Catherine D

    Which route do you travel from Aus to Santiago? …. the protracted plane flight is putting me off a bit, plus the $, from Aus. Otherwise very keen. Thank you.

    • Rob

      I have never travelled from Australia to Santiago, as my start point has never been close to Santiago. But I usually travel Sydney-Dubai-Paris then train to St Jean Pied de Port.
      or Sydney-Dubai-Madrid then train to Pamplona. The return is easier. Lots of cheap flights from Santiago to Madrid, Paris and elsewhere to connect to my Dubai-Sydney flight.

      Which Camino are you thinking about? And where would your start point be? I can be more specific about travel options then.

      I actually enjoy the long flights. A chance to unplug and watch lots of movies!

  2. Rob

    Madrid is a good Port of Entry from Australia. Plenty of flights there and easy train or bus transport to most start points.

  3. Kenneth Gailer

    Hi Rob
    Firstly I enjoy your informative videos. Thanks.
    I am leaving (Australia) on April 23 to hike a Camino combo and having extensively planned my trip am now thinking of changing it. My planned trip was as follows; Camino San Salvador – Camino Del Norte from Aviles – Camino Finisterre – hiking in reverse from Lugo to Oviedo (I hiked the Primitivo last year and as I’m a backpacker, found it a bit of a doddle. So lots of ascents don’t bother me)
    After watching your video I am interested in the Invierno and am tempted to change it to: San Salvador – Primitivo to Lugo – bus to Ponferrada – Invierno – Finisterre. Is the Invierno as good as yours and most blogs reckon it is (in other words, better than the Norte and much less crowded) What do you think of both routes.
    Thanks in advance

    • Rob

      I can’t comment on the Norte as I haven’t walked it, but I have heard it can get crowded with non Pilgrims in the holiday season. The Invierno feels quite remote at times. I only met about 7 Pilgrims in 2 weeks. Never walked with anyone, stayed with anyone, ate with anyone. Great if you enjoy solitude.

      • Kenneth Gailer

        Hi Rob
        Thanks for your reply.
        I have decided on: Invierno; Finisterre; San Salvador; Primitivo
        Another question: Will I need to take a sleeping bag for the Invierno?

        • Rob

          The question of sleeping bags is not really route specific. It comes down to (1) The accommodation type you intend to use. If non-private rooms, like Albergues, then I would take a sleeping bag. Sure some might provide disposable sheets, blankets, but having your own ‘bedding’ is more hygienic I think. (2) Time of year. You might get away with a liner in warmer weather. (3) If you tend to sleep hot or cold…..


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