Time planner

by | Jul 5, 2019 | Uncategorised | 2 comments

Your Camino Time Planner

Something new Pilgrims often get confused about is how long it will take to walk their chosen route on the Camino de Santiago.

So you can download my time planner here. Just replace my figures with your own, such as:

Average kms I’ll walk each day

How many rest days you want

And you can start to get a sense of your start and finish dates.

Just allow a bit of time for the unexpected! A day off recovering from injury or that extra day sightseeing……

Download Time Planner

Please do comment below with any suggestions for improving the Camino Trip Planner and I’ll get it updated.

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  1. Verena

    Dear Rob,

    Thank you for all your amazing videos! They are great preparation and even better entertainment. You are like the cool grandpa I never had 😉

    If you have the time, I would greatly appreciate your help in answering a question I’ve been pondering for quite some while now.
    A dear friend of mine and I aim to hike parts of the Camino around Easter 2023. Unfortunately, we only have 2 weeks to spare (13 days max to be exact). With very little expertise, we are now unsure which part of the Camino would be best for such a short stretch. Do you have any favourite parts you would recommend?

    We are both young and healthy university students. Although we are fit, I don’t think the gym will properly prepare us for that much walking and cardio, so that might be something we need to keep in mind.

    I would be incredibly thankful if you took the time to answer.

    Best wishes

  2. Robo

    Hi. Great question. Camino Frances?

    I did a video on this recently, but the short answer from ‘Grandpa’ is this: 🙂

    1. Do you want a Compostela? If Yes you need to finish in Santiago de Compostela.
    2. You also need to have walked, without ‘gaps’ the last 100kms at least into Santiago. This is Why Sarria is a very popular start point.
    3. If the compostela is not important, start anywhere and finish anywhere. But I’ll assume you want one.
    4. How far do you think you can comfortably walk each day? I’ll assume 25 kms.
    5. You have 13 days max. Is that 13 days actual walking or including travel to and from the Camino?
    6. If you have 13 days to walk, you could start (13×25) up to 325 kms from Santiago.
    7. I would suggest a start in Leon (312 kms out) or at Astorga (262 kms out). Leon is a big City and Astorga a big town, so easy to get to.
    8. This way to get to walk a ‘complete’ Camino, day after day, starting where you finished the day before.
    9. Better in my view that trying to do a hybrid by skipping bits and trying to cram in all the ‘good bits’. It’s all good!

    Any more questions, feel free to ask.


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