Day 55 – Camino Finisterre – Santiago to Negreira – Blog & Video

by | May 18, 2023 | Camino to Finisterre & Muxia, Journey, Videos | 3 comments

Day 1 of the Camino Finisterre (Day 55 of my journey)

Today was the first day we walk to Finisterre / Fisterra. It was a really nice walk. Within about 15 minutes I was out of the city of Santiago walking on nice country roads. A fair proportion of the Camino today was actually on tracks through forests. Generally, it was a fairly easy walk and some nice views to walk through.

There were three open bars along the way to get coffees and things like that, so that was nice to be able to have a break. Negreira seems quite a nice little town. I’m staying at the San Jose Hostal, which is interesting, it’s quite a modern building that has a well equipped albergue and it also offers private rooms.

So, my private room is actually in another part of the building and it’s like I rented an apartment! It’s very comfortable and I think it’s around €40. For a couple of people, it would be ideal. It has a kitchen and everything. So, a nice accommodation, and I had a good menu del dia in a local bar just down the road. I then relaxed doing my laundry in the albergue because here we have a washing machine and dryer. So, another good day on the camino.

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  1. Dave

    Difficult to tell from the videos Rob, but what is your average walking speed, it seems quite brisk….3 kms/hr ? I would so love to be able to do a trip like that but my knees & feet are wrecked now from a lifetime of heavy manual work. It would be interesting to know what sort of work the older pilgrims have done before retiring. I rather think that those who have been seated office workers may actually have better legs/ankles/feet in their later years.

    • Rob

      My ‘overall’ speed for planning purposes, including breaks is 3kph. But i tend to be a bit faster than that in practice. 3.3 ish.

      My actual walking speed is more like 3.5 – 3.8 depending on terrain.

      I would be one of the ‘slower’ pilgrims. Which i am more than happy to be! Why rush?

      But any speed works! Pat walks at about 2.5 kph. But she gets there ….

      It’s about walking to your ability…

    • Rob

      Not sure there is,any correlation with type of job. I wrecked my knees in the Army but still manage.

      I walked with a 74 year old ex forrestry worker. He left me in his dust….


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