Day 4 – Castilblanco to Almaden – VdlP Camino Blog & Videos

by | Mar 28, 2023 | Camino Via de la Plata, Journey, Videos | 0 comments

Day 4 on the Via de la Plata. A glorious Camino day walking through an amazing natural park called the Sierra Norte.

But with a very tough hill at the end and some rather hungry looking birds of prey circling over me as a struggle up the hill.  I wasn’t sure how hard the hill would be.  I read online that it can be tough.  So I was careful to have a break at the bottom, to hydrate well, and have a snack.

I also put some heel wedges under my orthotics.  I do this on steep uphill walk to ease the ‘stretching’ on my Achilles.   Actually the hill was not that bad.  A bit like that steep section on the Frances from Hunto to Orisson.  Not too long.

I seem to be settling in to this Camino and look forward to being able to walk longer days soon. The hill just prior to Almaden is actually not that bad. I was expecting much worse!   The view from the top was great.


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