Physio in Carrión

Physio in Carrión

We stayed an extra day in Carrión to have a bit of a break and also a chance for Pat to have a second visit to a physio. I took the opportunity as well to have a session to sort out my Achilles and shins. I have to say as with all my experiences with physios in Spain,...
My Favourite Spanish Words

My Favourite Spanish Words

  Prior to this Camino, I thought it might be useful to learn some more Spanish. The aim was to build on my already impressive vocabulary of about 20 words, that dealt mainly with food and drink! The big goal this time, would be to achieve the ultimate in...
The Centro de Salud

The Centro de Salud

It happened in Carrión! Pat had been experiencing an irritating itch for a couple of days, and we thought we pop into Centros de Salud in Carrión. We were told in the hotel that pilgrims were catered for between 6 and 7 o’clock in the evening.     We...
David’s House of the Gods

David’s House of the Gods

When I first walked the Camino in 2015, I can remember that meeting David, was one of the highlights. Some years ago David walked the Camino and then decided to devote his time to looking after pilgrims on their journey. And he now lives on the Camino in basically...
Would I walk the Camino Frances again?

Would I walk the Camino Frances again?

  We’re on the section from Astorga to Rabanal, and I’m still amazed at the number of pilgrims walking. The whole of the  Camino, seems like the final hundred into Santiago from Sarria that I experienced for the first time 3 years ago. I’m...
Remembering Denise

Remembering Denise

Today we walked from Astorga to Foncebadón. One of the places that we wanted to visit on the way was the memorial grove, for pilgrims who have died on the Camino. We expected to see it about 3 kilometers out from the center of Astorga on the left-hand side. From some...