Physio in Carrión

by | May 17, 2018 | Health, Places, Stories | 2 comments

We stayed an extra day in Carrión to have a bit of a break and also a chance for Pat to have a second visit to a physio.

I took the opportunity as well to have a session to sort out my Achilles and shins.

I have to say as with all my experiences with physios in Spain, this guy was excellent.

I’ve been included some pictures and a business card just in case you need a really good physio when you get to Carrión.



It was one of those situations where the physio had very limited English and with my limited Spanish, we resorted to Google Translate. Unfortunately with a fairly weak connection, some of the translations were a bit weird! But in turned into a hilarious session between the three of us.



We underwent some physio techniques that we had never seen or felt before. It will be interesting to see if they work.

If you want to use this physio service in Carrión, just make sure that you call to make a booking or get your hotel or albergue to call for you. They seem to be quite busy. Also just out of interest, about 50 meters from the physio clinic, is the Centro de Salud. That’s the medical center.



We popped in there last night to get something sorted out. That may turn out to be the topic of another blog post 🙂

At the medical center, they have a period between 6 and 7 pm for pilgrims, there’s no need to book, just walk in and the medical staff will look after you. And it’s free of charge.

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  1. José

    This is what I’ve been looking for? What happened in the Centro de Salud?

    • Rob

      Very funny. Lots of sign language and diagrams!


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