Viana to Logroño – Videos

by | May 5, 2018 | Journey, Places, Videos | 5 comments





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2018 Daily Posts

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A Mother’s Son
A Mother’s Son

I think it started about two or three weeks into...


  1. dave

    A comment on packs. The Spanish do a lot of walking within their largely rural country which is criss-crossed by hundreds of walking trails (as in France too). So maybe they have just got used to carrying the minimum of gear (or have friends/relies transporting it for them). Over many years of motorcycle touring I’ve managed to continuously reduce the amount of baggage strapped on the back – as you say Rob, don’t carry next time what you didn’t use this time – as a last resort you can always buy a shirt or socks in a local store.

    • Rob

      They literally carry a tiny nylon bag with a jacket and water bottle, whilst their suitcase is shuttled from stop to stop… 😉

      Maybe they have the right idea!!

  2. dave

    I guess Vermut ‘on tap’ is their translation of the French Vermouth aperitif – though I’ve never seen it ‘on tap’. Northern Spain is known for its cider – try sampling some..

  3. Chau

    mmm degustation…

    with the amount of alcohol, why are the Europeans not bigger?
    Less carbs?

    • Rob

      Many are bigger! 😉


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