The Real Camino Challenge

by | May 6, 2018 | Food, Journey, Reflections | 4 comments

Many people will argue that the Camino is mainly a physical challenge. Others, me included, that it is more of an emotional challenge, just to keep going day after day.

But I think the sad reality is…. it’s really a challenge of energy in versus energy out !  Of not eating too much!

One of our aims on this Camino was to lose weight. But with so much great food and wine it’s proving to be challenge far greater than walking 800 kilometers or maintaining motivation!

Bar Deportivo in Navarrete proved far too tempting. Paella for lunch… Great tapas for dinner… And we tried Tinto con Limon:  Red wine with lemonade. So nice on a warm summer evening.

So be warned. The Camino can also prove to be a challenge for the waistline 🙂



See Full Gallery: Logroño to Navarrete


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  1. Chau

    Both looking fresh and relaxed.

    • Rob

      Probably the ‘Tinto con Limon’
      Red wine cooler….

  2. Rappahannock_Rev

    Womderful food, as I recall. but claustrophobic back room.

    • Rob

      We ate outside…. didn’t see a back room.


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