Camino ‘Smarties’

by | May 6, 2018 | Health, Stories | 0 comments

No I’m not referring to clever Pilgrims but painkillers and anti inflammatories.

Firstly, let me say that any medications should of be taken following professional medical advice!

So on  my first Camino I ‘survived’ with a couple of daily doses of Panadol and Ibuprofen. This was on advice from my doctor as I have chronic Achilles tendinitis.  I could not have made it without those meds.

So I came prepared  again this year. But just before leaving home, my physio suggested trying Aspirin as they act in a different way.



We’ve used them on a couple of our longer days and I have too say I think they are more effective.  Pat tried them for her Plantaar Faciitis and they help her a lot too.

Might be worth asking your doctor if you too have a condition that needs pain relief or anti inflammatory.


See Full Gallery: Logroño to Navarrete


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