Hope the Camino Weather Improves

by | Apr 14, 2018 | Preparation | 4 comments

Heading out on the Camino Frances at this time of year can be ‘tricky’ regarding weather.   The Spanish authorities regard the route over the Pyrenees as closed until 1st April each year, and any Pilgrims requiring rescue before this date can be liable to hefty fines and costs.  And this year (2018) they are still advising not to use the route yet.

On the 12th April 8 Pilgrims required rescue!

Photo courtesy of Bomberos Navarra.  https://twitter.com/bomberos_na 

Severe flooding has also been a problem.

We’re keeping a close eye on the weather and it seems to be improving, so our start from St Jean on 25th April should be OK.

For anyone contemplating using the Napolean Route (the high pass) from St Jean at this time of year please do keep an eye on weather reports and also make sure you check in at the Pilgrims Office in St Jean at 39 Rue de la Citadelle.  They will have up to date information on conditions.  If they advise NOT To use the Napolean Route, please don’t.   The lower route through the valley via Valcarlos is just as scenic so I’m told, though the steep hill comes at the end not the start!  And of course the route is easier to break into two days should you wish to start at a gentler pace.  (do consult your guide book for details)

Weather Forecast Sites for your Camino Frances

These are the sites I use to check just prior to departure and also whilst walking.

Good for Napolean Route:  https://www.viewweather.com/w1781825-weather-forecast-for-col_de_bentarte-spain_general_.html

And some more general sites:




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  1. dave

    Best of Luck to you both at the start of your Camino today – hope the weather is kind to you.

    • Rob

      Getting better…ish…

  2. Bridget

    Thanks for the Napoleon route weather link. I’ll be a few weeks behind you and I didn’t know about this one!

    Thanks for sharing your blog too. It’s lovely. Hope you enjoy your 3rd Camino in a new way, with your ‘partner in crime’.

    • Rob

      Have fun Bridget. Buen Camino.


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