12 Days to Go!

by | Apr 13, 2018 | Uncategorised | 1 comment

Camino #1 (2015) alone from St Jean to Santiago.

Camino #2 (2016) with Pat from Sarria.

Not long to go now till we start again, this time in St Jean!  We train most mornings walking around a local lake.

All the plans to lose 10kg of weight and train hard…………….didn’t quite come off.

And Pat is worried about her ability to get up the hill on day 1, but I’ve assured here she is ready.

I can’t keep up!

She’s ready!

Camino Training

Pre Camino First Aid Training

We thought this year that we might brush up on our first aid before departure.  It’s always a good thing to know of course, but Pat is one of these cautious types who likes to be prepared for anything.   I think she fears I’ll have a heart attack……..

We did a one day training course today at a local training college which was great!

Hopefully we won’t need to use the First Aid techniques for Funnel Web spider bites or Brown snake bites but the rest might come in handy.  Pat was even threatening to throw in a lightweight defibrillator!  No!  I have to carry it!

On a serious note, those Defib machines are awesome and so easy to use.  I’m buying one for our office.   Yes, many of us working there are ‘of an age’……..

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1 Comment

  1. Sue

    Looking good Pat!!! Enjoy it all 👌


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