For Movie Tragics

by | May 11, 2018 | Food, Places, Stories | 0 comments

Having watched the Martin Sheen movie, The Way, at least 20 times, I’m always interested to pass through locations used for the movie.

This time we were lucky enough to stay at Hotel Akerreta, which was used for a movie location. And we were lucky to spot a couple of others.

In Burgos, we had a wonderful menú del dia lunch at Rincón de España. This was used for a key scene in the movie where Tom had his bag stolen. I can certainly recommend the menú del dia there, and it’s a very good location, just off the main square where the cathedral is.



The next day during our day off in Burgos, we discovered what I think is another movie location, and for the movie buffs, you’ll remember this one. It was the scene of the gypsy party at night time in a small courtyard. Have a look at the pictures below, tell me if you think that this might have been the location. I checked the movie last night, and to me it certainly looks like it.



See Full Galleries: Villafranca Montes de Oca to Burgos and A Day Off in Burgos


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