Day 4 – To Zubiri and Akerreta

by | Apr 28, 2018 | Accomodation, Food, Journey, Places | 3 comments

Today is another short walk to Zubiri. It should be about 10 kilometers. The only thing that concerns me is the steep downhill section into Zubiri, which I haven’t walked before and which apparently can be slippery in the wet.

We had a taste of that coming into Biskaretta last night, where the final section is a downhill paved section, which is very hard on the shins. Hopefully if the rain stays away, we’ll be safe going down that steep descent into Zubiri, otherwise we might take the longer route down the road into Zubiri.

It was an interesting day for a number of aspects. Firstly, it was the first time I’ve walked the direct route downhill to Zubiri, as last time I took the longer but easier route.



The direct route down was not quite as bad as we expected, but it’s not a route that I would want to do if it was raining.

We stopped at Zubiri for lunch and then we turned to our hotel in Akerreta.

We found a really nice lunch in Zubiri and had lamb with a jug of sangria. It was quite amusing to watch Pat after half a jug of sangria and she picked the fruit out of the jug which looked rather like she’d been in a car accident with dark red fruit stains everywhere.



After a rather big lunch and a full jug of sangria, we then had to walk another 6 kilometers to Akerreta. I have to say the first hour recovering from that lunch was rather difficult. In Akerreta we booked into the Hotel Akerreta, which a lot of people will know from the movie The Way. I have to say it’s a fantastic old building and well worth the effort to try and stay here.



Physical Effort

We’re still very much on the first stage of getting used to the physical effort.

We both came on the Camino with existing injuries, Pat with plantar fasciitis and me with the Achilles tendinitis, but we’re both starting to suffer a little bit from shin splints with the long downhill sections.



Thankfully, we have a physio roller with us which we’re using to massage the shins every morning, and that should help keep them loose.

I look forward to the time in 7 to 10 days, when the physical effort is no longer an effort and we can settle down and really start enjoying longer distances.


See Full Gallery: Biskarreta to Akerreta


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  1. Chau

    Hi Rob
    Is Hotel Akerreta the one with the weirdos?

    • Rob

      If you mean ‘El Ramon’ no ….
      In the movie it is where Tom watches the owner practicing bull fighting.

      • yaying

        oh…i really love that scene.
        your love one wants you to be, the one you wants to be…neither way it did not meant to be but still stood still doing in his little way of what he really wanted to be


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