Camino Curved Ball

by | May 16, 2018 | Health, Journey | 2 comments


Looks like we might need to cut short.

Pat had cortisone treatment just before we left, for Plantar Fasciitis. I think the effect is wearing off. It only lasts a month.

She hobbled into Boadilla yesterday and we had to taxi the last 5 kilometers to Fromista where we had booked to stay.

Will have a day off in Carrion and see if we can find a physio/doctor.

If all else fails we’ll be tourists to Sarria and try from there, to get a Compostela, as she is walking this Camino for her departed mother.

Sxxx happens…

Pat is determined to continue… But let’s see what the medical advice is…


See Full Gallery: Castrojeriz to Frómista


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  1. HedaP

    That is such a shame because you were both doing so well. Hopefully some rest will bring an improvement.

    • Rob

      We are not out yet 🙂

      Post coming tomorrow.


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