Enroute to Roncesvalles – Videos

by | Apr 26, 2018 | Journey, Videos | 4 comments







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2018 Daily Posts

Budget Planner

Your Camino Budget Planner For new Pilgrims...

Time planner

Your Camino Time Planner Something new Pilgrims...

A Mother’s Son
A Mother’s Son

I think it started about two or three weeks into...


  1. HedaP

    Yay, over the mountain! Well done, peregrinos.

    • Rob

      Currently shopping in Pamplona!!!

      • HedaP

        You are both doing so well! Stay warm.

        • Roberto

          Only short days so far though. We walk so slowly it takes a while to get anywhere!

          Short day again today. Uterga to Puente la Reina, via church at Eunate.

          Then trying a longer stage to Estella…

          Just writing this at 4am listening to the World’s greatest snorer in the next room. Sounds like a large animal giving birth!

          Even playing white noise on my headphones at full volume doesn’t block it out 🙂


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