How Long Should You Stay in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port

by | Jun 17, 2024 | Planning | 0 comments

Starting Your Camino in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port

Continuing with our Camino questions, this week we have a great one: “When starting my Camino Frances in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port, should I allow for one night or maybe two to soak up the environment and enjoy the town before setting off?”

How Long Should You Stay in St Jean?

As with everything Camino-related, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer. Here are a couple of alternatives based on my experiences.

I’ve set out from Saint-Jean twice, and both times the decision on how long to stay was influenced by how far I’d travelled to get there. If you’re traveling a short distance, like from within France, arriving and starting your walk right away might be feasible. However, if you’re coming from the other side of the world, like me, it’s a different story.

When I walk from Saint-Jean, I usually fly into Paris. Paris is an awesome city and a great place to recover from jet lag. I typically land in the morning, spend a night in a hotel near the Gare Montparnasse (station), enjoy a fantastic lunch, and walk around the city. The next day, I take a train to Bayonne and then a fast train to Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port.

What to Do in Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port?

If you’re traveling a short distance, one night in Saint-Jean is usually plenty. Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port is a picturesque country mountain town with lovely places to eat and cute little shops. You can see most of the town in half a day, taking photos by the river and soaking in the atmosphere.

If you need to buy equipment, there’s a store on the main street near the Pilgrim’s Office and a big hypermarket near the station. Unless you have specific errands, sightseeing in Saint-Jean doesn’t require much time.

Consider Your Travel and Rest Needs

The key factor is how much rest you need before starting your walk. For those traveling long distances, a couple of nights’ sleep might be necessary. This could mean a night in Paris or Madrid before heading to Saint-Jean.

Another consideration is the excitement of starting your Camino. Picture yourself in Saint-Jean, watching pilgrims head up towards Orisson and Roncesvalles. You might find yourself eager to join them and get started.

Planning Your Stay in Saint Jean

Ultimately, it comes down to how much rest you need before walking, determined by how far you’ve travelled. If you’re coming from the US or Australia and heading straight to Saint-Jean without a break, you might want to spend two nights there. However, keep in mind that while Saint-Jean is lovely, there’s not much to do beyond a few hours of exploration. The real joy is heading up that mountain and starting your journey.

I hope this answers your question, even if it wasn’t the exact answer you expected. Thank you for your question, and please keep them coming. I love having new topics to discuss. Thanks for watching, and see you next time. Bye for now!

Do check out the individual Blogs from each year we have walked.  Most include lots of photos and videos.

2015 Camino Frances

2016 Camino Frances

2018 Camino Frances

2023 Via de la PlataCamino Invierno, Camino Fisterra/Muxia


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