Frequently Asked Camino de Santiago Questions

Some Common Questions about the Camino de Santiago

I’ll jot down a few obvious Camino questions here and then add to and edit the answers over time…

Note. These were from 2015 so I will keep adding to this list in the coming months/years…


Would you do the Camino de Santiago again? No. (well…probably not….but I did)

That might sound strange, as many people walk multiple Caminos. But I specifically walked this as a ‘Pilgrimage’ on which I was seeking specific answers and experiences. And all of my expectations were met. I feel blessed that my Camino was such a personal success and I now want to take my Camino lessons forward into my life. I don’t want to keep going back to School…. (But I did in 2016 and will again in 2018. I just miss the experience too much)   Note. I ended up walking a 1200 km Camino in 2023!


What would you do differently? Nothing.

If I was to do it again 🙂 Though I might skip the Sarria to Santiago section, or walk a different final 100 to avoid the crowds. That section just had such a different feeling that I didn’t enjoy as much. (I did that section again in 2016).  In 2023, I decided I would try to only walk ‘new’ Caminos.  Routes I had not walked before.  That was great.


Would you use different gear? No.

I researched and tested my gear for 18 months. It all worked really well. But I would take less stuff. (A lot less. Aiming for 7KG all up)


Would you transport your luggage again? Probably not.

I only did so out of necessity and it became a bit of a logistics headache. But I would travel lighter anyway. (I had to transport some of my gear again in 2016 as the injury is now permanent, but will try to carry all my gear in 2018)  For 2023, I managed to lose a lot of body weight!   That made things a whole lost easier.   Carried all my gear 1200 kms without problems.


Would you walk alone again? Yes.

If I wanted a true ‘Pilgrimage’ experience. Though if I ever walk the route again, I might do so with Pat my wife in a more ‘tourist’ mode, picking specific sections only. (we did in 2016 and will again in 2018)  I still prefer to walk alone.


Would you walk the final hundred from Sarria again? I don’t think so.

Parts of it were very pretty, but it just felt too much like a Circus. It felt like very few people on that section were actually walking a Pilgrimage, but were rather using the ‘route’ as a convenient hiking or cycling path. Though I do explore these thoughts in more depth in the blog! It’s not that simple, and we need to accept that everyone walks their own Camino in different ways. (But I did in 2016)  In 2023, I walked the Camino Invierno as the last section into Santiago.  It was wonderful.  Check out the 2023 Camino Blog.


What were the best parts of your Camino? That’s tough.

In terms of geography the early stages out of St Jean to Burgos. Emotionally and Spiritually the 2nd and 3rd weeks. And each time the Camino ‘taught’ me a valuable lesson….. Which was a daily occurrence!  In subsequent Caminos I have learned to love it all, and cherish it all.  It’s over far too quickly.


What were the most memorable moments?

The peaceful walk virtually alone down the Pyrenees to Roncesvalles. The emotional ‘high’ walking out of Granon listening to music. Those little moments of giving and receiving support amongst fellow Pilgrims. Meeting ‘David’ en route to Astorga. Leaving my Stone at the Cruz de Ferro. A hand on my shoulder and a ‘Well Done – God Bless You’ from a Priest friend who was surprised I had made it thus far, (his timing was perfect), those times of true ‘connection’ with my surroundings, numerous conversations with fellow Pilgrims, and some magical moments of Spirituality that I might share later….. (I have. See the stories tab)


Did you ‘find’ Santiago? Yes.

In weeks 2 and 3. Whilst I found the ‘city’ of Santiago at the end of my Camino, ‘he’ wasn’t there for me. We had worked out our ‘stuff’ together long before Santiago.   In 2023 I really found Santiago!  Check out the blog post from my last day into Muxia.  


Did you discover faith? Yes.

But not in a ‘traditional’ going to Church on Sundays sense. I built on the foundations of spirituality that I already had to find that I did not need Churches or formal rituals to practice my ‘faith’, for it was already all around me and within me. I just needed to open the door to it and embrace it.


Did the Camino meet your expectations? Yes, Yes, Yes.

Ten times over. Which is partly why I don’t feel I want to do it again. My Camino from here is to practice what I learnt, not to keep trying to learn more of the same. ( But later ….. I now feel I want to walk it every year, whilst I am able. Maybe different routes. I just miss it too much)   But………the Camino pulls you back!  In 2016, 2018, 2023…


Do you need to be ‘Super Fit’ to walk the Camino? No.

I was not fit. I was 57, and 10 kg overweight. I met people of 80 years of age, and people who were even more overweight. Being healthier and fitter certainly helps though! But no need to go crazy. Regular walking and building improved all round fitness is fine.


Was Your Pre Camino Training Adequate? Yes and No.

I actually ramped up my training 3 months out from my Camino. From walking 5-7 kms twice a week, to about 7-10 kms per day. Sometimes 14. That increase was too rapid and caused injury (Achilles Tendonitis). (Also I did too much road walking) The best thing I could have done would have been to lose weight! I was about 10 kg overweight, which probably caused the injury in the first place… I think some fairly broad fitness and walking training is more than enough. Make sure you wear your Camino boots/shoes and a light pack, and build up slowly. I actually used the first week on the Camino as training. And it worked. I started at 8kms and built up to 20 kms over 5-6 days. (I used that slow build up during the first few days of the Camino with Pat in 2016 and again it worked well)


Did you get Blisters? No.

None. I avoided blisters by following all the advice from previous Pilgrims. Well fitting and worn in boots/shoes. Double socks. Vaseline on my feet. Aired my feet every two hours. Fixed any hot spots as soon as I felt them.  3,000 kms on Camino so far (as at 2024) and no blisters yet. Check my Avoiding Blisters Video.  


What if I’m not a ‘Social’ person? No Problem.

I’m not really. I prefer company in ones and twos or small groups. I avoided the ‘party’ atmosphere that you come across occasionally. And actually I walked alone most of the time. If you want to be alone, you can be. If you want to socialise more, you can. If you feel awkward making friends normally, you’ll find it easy. They will find you.


How do you maintain the inner calm and peace that you attained whilst walking?

I recently shared the story of my journey at a business conference and was asked this by one of the guests. I think it comes down to this. Remember the feelings and emotions you felt, at those most joyous moments of your Camino. Really feel them and reflect on them. And try to replay them in whatever you are doing now. So for example now, I rarely have a ‘bad day’. Because I know to just look for the positive things that are happening and not to focus on just the negative.

Is Walking Alone or with a ‘Partner’ Better?

This is a tough call. I’ve done both now and both have their positives and negatives. I wrote a story about it here. I would like to do both again. alone and with Pat.

Do You need to be able to Speak Spanish?

Not really, but a little goes a long way. I hardly spoke a word on my first Camino but I got by.  Just be aware that you may be walking through areas where people only speak Spanish.  And why not?  It’s Spain!

With new technology it’s easy to look up words or get instant translation, but it will never be as good or as fun as being able to speak and understand some of the Language.  I also think it’s a common courtesy when visiting any country to at least learn a few basic words.  Hello, thank you, please etc.

For our 3rd Camino in 2018 I actually took a few private 1 on 1 Spanish lessons. I wanted to be able to telephone places to make accommodation bookings.  I also tried learning language required in restaurants and shops, and a few important things for emergencies.

So let’s see how it goes this time!

Feel free to add more questions as comments below and I’ll do my best to add them to the list here and answer them.


Camino de Santiago Glossary


I’ll start a handy ‘glossary’ here and move it to a dedicated page shortly. Feel free to ask what other terms mean.

Albergue. A low cost form of accommodation that usually provides a bed in a dormitory and washing facilities. Meals are also sometimes available.

Bocadillo. A Spanish ‘sandwich’ that is made using bread like a ‘French’ Stick.

Brierley. John Brierley is the author of some of the most popular Camino Guide Books.

Cafe con Leche. A white coffee. A staple diet it seems for Pilgrims.

Camino Angel, is a term that is frequently used by Pilgrims walking the Camino to describe a complete stranger who seems to appear at just the right time with just the right help that is required.

Casa Rural. Lower cost private accommodation along the lines of ‘bed and breakfast’. May be in someone’s house or a dedicated ‘small hotel’.

Compostela. The ‘certificate’ that is provided to the pilgrim on proving that they have walked at least 100 kms to get to Santiago. (200 kms for those on bicycles). It is issued at the Pilgrims Office.

Credential. The Pilgrim’s passport. In this are collected stamps or ‘Sellos’ as proof of the Pilgrims journey. It is also required to gain access to Albergue accommodation.

Donativo. A type of Albergue with no fixed fee, that relies on the Pilgrim to ‘donate’ what they can. It does not mean Free! A ‘fair’ donation should cover the cost of a bed and if provided, meals, based on what you might pay elsewhere.

Etapa. A ‘stage’ of the walk, usually equating to a full days walking. Often these are ‘suggested’ stages in guidebooks.

Hiking Poles. See walking poles.

Markers. Not so frequent in the more distant areas thankfully, but very frequent as you get closer to Santiago. They show the distance in kilometers from Santiago. (they are OK when they show 50 kms to go but a bit demoralising when the number is 650 kms !)

Menu del Dia. Menu of the Day. A ‘set’ menu that is slightly better quality than the Pilgrims menu and may cost 2-3 Euros more.

Miam Miam Dodo. A useful French guidebook that provides a lot of accommodation details.

Pilgrims Menu. A ‘set’ low price menu from in cafes, hotels and bars. It will normally provide 3 courses with a drink for approximately 10 Euros. (as at 2016). It provides simple wholesome food and is good value.

Refugio. Another term for an Albergue

Rain Gear. Two main alternatives are popular. A ‘cover all’ poncho or waterproof rain pants and jacket.

Sello. This is the stamp that is obtained along the way as proof of the Pilgrims journey. They are available in many places such as Albergues, Hotels, Bars, Cafes, Shops, Churches. Most ‘businesses’ along the Camino seem to have them.

Senda. A man made track, usually fine gravel, that provides a path for Pilgrims to walk on.

Tortilla. A thick omelette usually made with egg and potato. Cafes and bars will often sell these in slices.

Walking Poles. An aid for waking that takes weight and pressure off the lower limbs and back. Most would say that two poles should be used rather than one.


  1. tieu rat

    Heya just wanted to give you a brief heads up and
    let you know a few of the pictures aren’t loading
    correctly. I’m not sure why but I think its a linking issue.
    I’ve tried it in two different internet browsers and both
    show the same results.

    • Rob

      Thank you for the heads up! We fixed it, it should be okay now.

  2. Marilyn

    Hi, I am leaving Australia for the Camino in 1week. I have 2 questions please.
    Are there toilets along the French Way?
    What app can I use to communicate free? I usually use “WhatsApp” or Viber???

    • Rob

      Hi Marilyn. There are toilets available in most villages in the bars and cafes. Obviously it is polite to buy something if using their services.

      Other than that, lots of bushes! You will get used to it…. everyone does. Please just carry a small ziplock bag to takeaway your used tissues…

      Tip for the Ladies

      As for apps. Just get a local SIM card and use whatever apps you like.

  3. Andrew

    Curious to know what blogging software you have used for this site, I think the format etc is very good. I use various levels of wordpress and the free versions cannot publish in forward order, oldest at the top.
    No need to publish this question but I’d appreciate an email reply. Thanks, Andrew in Australia

    • Robo

      Hi Andrew. Sorry I haven’t been on the site for a while so only just saw your question.
      I think most versions of WP have this ability.
      Or perhaps it’s a feature within the various templates available.
      I’ll ask my web guy!
      I have to confess that I had help with this……..

    • Robo

      Answer from my web guy………

      We are still using wordpress theme Divi but there was an added custom code in the theme that can set blog posts order either in Ascending (from Old to New) or Descending (from New to Old).

      Blog post order can be done in 2 ways (same as current by Adding code lines and by a plugin like

  4. Caitlin Weich

    Hi Rob!

    I hope you are well.

    I’m just looking through your resources and wondering if you have any more bits for the weather and picking the right gear, etc?

    All the stuff people need if they are planning to do the Camino. 🙂


    • Rob

      Sure I can add some more. What time of year are you planning to walk, and what route?

  5. Johnny Kim

    Hi Rob,

    I have enjoyed your videos and I am particularly interested in how I can contact David who provides medical aid on the Camino. I am interested in his trolley that he uses. What is his Youtube channel id/how do I search his videos on Youtube?

    • Rob

      David actually made his trailer. But you can contact him here.

  6. Mike Gardner

    Hi Rob
    Love your videos. I walked the Camino in 2018 and it was a life changing experience. I am a retired journalist and I wrote a book called Miracles on the Camino. I would love to send you a copy as a pdf which you can read on your phone or computer. Please send me your email and I will send it to you.
    Warm regards
    Mike Gardner

    • Rob

      Sounds like an interesting read Mike.

  7. James Smith

    Hi Rob, I love your weekly video’s. I’m also from Melbourne Australia and only discovered and learnt about the Camino and Via Francigena during lockdown last year. I think I’ve become infatuated with this and like you, now walking regularly to get the miles and endurance in my legs to really enjoy my first opportunity. With regards to your new footwear trials, can i suggest you explore the Altra range of trail shoes. These are zero drop , have great grip and work wonderfully well for my feet and knees. I’ve now trained and walked 600 km in readiness for the Camino and they are fabulous. You can get wide fittings in the Lone Peak and Olympus models. I have the Altra Timp and love them. All shoes have the wide toe box for even spread of toes. Keep up the great work and video’s Rob. Maybe one day we will meet on the trail ? Regards James

    • Rob

      Hi. I’m certainly going to tr a pair of Altras. A lot of people like them. Be careful not to walk your Camino, before you walk your Camino! It can lead to injury. Particularly lots of road / hard surface walking.

  8. Pete Tadeo

    Hi Rob,
    I have found your post fun to watch. My question is about my backpack. Will I be able to carry-on my backpack? It’s a 38l Osprey.

    • Rob

      You really need to carefully measure it, and check specific airline weight and dimension restrictions. My 34L just makes it, but all packs are different. You can always ‘wear’ extra clothes onto the plane to make your pack smaller and more compressible !

  9. Kieth Hales

    Hi Rob,

    I am 77 and considering the Camino in 2022. Question: I can use a tour group who will plan a schedule and arrange nightly accommodation at casa rurales, luggage transport etc. Everything has a cost of course and you do lose flexibility…However your bed is guaranteed… . Alternately I could ‘wing it’ and just book ahead day by day, but ’22 is still a holy year so accommodation might be tight. Any thoughts on which way to go (Business or budget class)?

    • Rob

      Tough call Keith. You could do a halfway version and book ahead yourself, and if you need to transport gear, that is easy to arrange yourself (your hosts will help). I think it comes down to your own fitness, health and confidence. I’m ‘only’ 63, so not sure how I would feel at 77. Though plenty of people your age ‘wing it’.

  10. Bill

    Rob–In your weight loss video, you mentioned a spreadsheet that tracked your weight. I would love to have it if you’re willing to share it. Thanks!

    • Rob

      Sure, I’ll add it to me blog in the next day or two.

  11. John Stævngaard

    Hi Rob.
    I have been following your Camino videos with great interest – must go my first Camino starting in May 2022 the French route and all the way from SJPD to Santiago and later Fineste.
    Have you on your many nights at alberge been afraid / nervous about fire?
    Escape sweeps that do not exist, only one exit, no smoke alarm, etc.
    Maybe this is a topic for one of your next videos?

    Buen Camino from
    John Stævngaard

    • Rob

      To be honest it is something I have never given a minute of thought to. I’m not sure that many would.

  12. James Smith

    Hi Rob,

    Now that the Australian Borders have reopened, are you closer to settling on footwear for the VDLP trail ? I recall you were exploring a number of brands and types in readiness for your next Camino.

  13. Brian

    I just discovered your videos on YouTube. I am an overweight 68 y.o. male and I hope to do my first Camino before 70. Thank you for your information and inspiration.
    Buen Camino

    • Rob

      Thank you. Glad you like it!

  14. Frank Castke

    Hi Rob.

    I’ve just watched six of your videos back to back.

    I’ve been studying and researching this subject all year, and despite the, literally, hundreds of home made videos out there in Internet land, yours are by far the best.

    I’m not blowing smoke up ‘ya mate. Your down to earth approach and super detailed films are very informative.

    I’ve read and watched so much BS about the Camino, which is a crying shame, but I suppose that short, monetised, info flicks, pay more, than the good old fashioned method of passing down the friendly tips and tricks in the style of a proper Pilgrim.

    I am comforted by, “what goes around comes around.”

    I’m in training for my first Frances Camino in April/May of next year.

    I’m ex British army, so I have that annoying habit of training hard and fighting easy, but, hey, it’s still working for me!

    All the very best on your 4th Camino mate and thanks a million for your master classes.

    Beun Camino!

    Frank. (64) Lincoln. England.

    • Rob

      Hi Frank. Appreciate the feedback mate. Looks like we are the same British Army era. I’m 65. Had 22 years in Ord Corps. Which one are you doing? Might see you out there!

      I tend to train easy and fight hard these days. Better get my butt out for some training!

      • Frank

        Train easy fight hard! I hear you!

        I’m ex REME (Recovery) nowhere near as fit now, obviously, but I’ve kept myself in reasonable shape.

        I love getting these daily miles under my belt, but as you clearly state, training at home is nothing like the real thing.

        I plan to do Camino Frances. Start in late April and walk through May.

        Still watching your terrific videos and thanks for replying mate.

  15. Kieth Hales

    Hi Rob, Follow up on my 6 Nov ’21 email. Saw your video on the casa rurales that you used. Did you use a travel company to book them or did you make your own arrangements before or during your walk.

  16. Diane

    Where to
    I get the wool
    You speak about for blisters ? Also the name of your umbrella and do you hold it or attach to your backpack I ? Thank you

    • Robo

      Sorry I missed this. Lost a few of the comments somehow.
      Just google Hikers Wool.
      The umbrella is a Euroschirm and attaches to my pack straps.

  17. Rob

    Hi Rob,
    My wife and i are enyoing your youtube posts inmense. Ik helps us a lot in planning our very first 100km Camino in September 2023.
    We would like to start at Sarria but are struggling in how te get there. We could fly to Santioga and travel by train to Sarria i suppose. But it feels a bit unmotivating to first travel fast from endpoint to beginning and then walk 5 days back :-).
    Do you have any suggestions for another way to get to Sarria (other then walking)?
    Alle suggestions are welkom!
    Greatings to you and your wife from two Dutchies living in Germany.
    Kind regards,
    Rob & Yvonne

    • Robo

      Sorry I missed this. Lost a few of the comments somehow.
      There is a bus I think.
      How was your Camino?

  18. Scott and Judy Joss

    Hello, Rob….My wife and I are about four weeks out from flying from the US into Paris to start our first Camino…we’ve got all our gear together and are ready to go! We truly love your channel and have subscribed, etc. I was wondering if you had any suggestion for a good place to stay the night in Paris that would make getting to the trail easier…and sensible! thank you for all the time spent sharing your knowledge…cheers!

    • Robo

      Sorry I missed this. Lost a few of the comments somehow.
      How was your Camino?
      I usually stay near Gare Montparnasse.

  19. Ferga

    hi Rob

    apologies if I have missed it but what dates have you walked VDLP? what date did you depart Sevilla… ? thanks

    • Robo

      I left Sevilla on 25 March 2023

  20. Elizabeth

    Hi Rob, I am considering the last 100 km of the Frances as my first time endeavor. It would be during the first two weeks of November. I was wondering if you knew if it would be busy during that time of year. I love solitude and quiet, so that is important to me. But since I will be doing this solo, I wanted to stick to an easier, more well-known path.

    Your thoughts are much appreciated.

    • Robo

      Sorry I missed this. Lost a few of the comments somehow.
      How was your Camino?
      It should not have been too busy.

  21. Trevor

    Hi Rob
    I am planning to do the camino Frances in early Sept 2024 I have researched to the level were I can start to loosely put my travel plans on paper just two questions if 5hat is OK.
    Traveling from Sydney Australia to SJDP and return to Sydney from Santiago after the Camino do you have any advice.
    Do you know of any chatrooms that I can check out I am a male in late 60 ‘s travelling alone
    I have enjoyed your utube content.
    Thanks Trevor


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