Pre-booking your Camino accommodation or not?
It’s a common concern for first-time Pilgrims particularly.
Do I book accommodation?
Yes and No. It depends a bit…
Pre-booking your Camino accommodation or not?
It’s a common concern for first-time Pilgrims particularly.
Do I book accommodation?
Yes and No. It depends a bit…
How far should you walk on the Camino...
Planning your first Camino? Walking on...
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Hi Rob. Great information thank you so much for sharing. Regarding booking ahead, this will be my first Camino Frances. I’m 84, so I get a bit concerned about the ease of booking one or two days ahead. I plan to walk the whole way. This is 2024 and can I actually find a place Albergue each day before leaving the current place? Is it going to be a real hassle with so many pilgrims these days on the track?
I have booked the first few places to just past Pamplona.
So what are your thoughts please?
Hi Mike. First Camino at 84! Well done. Never too late to start. I would suggest you settle into it and see how you go. How you cope with things, if it’s busy or not. You need to get a good feel for how far you can comfortably walk each day. Two key questions. 1. Where are you starting from? St Jean? and 2. What rough date are you starting? Some areas are more busy than others and some months are ‘peak’ season. If starting from St Jean, the first section to Roncesvalles is tough. You can easily break it down into 2 or more stages by using the services of Express Bouricott. Their office is near the Pilgrims ofice in St Jean. They can take you up and down each day, to start where you left off. Good that you have booked as far as Pamplona. That is the busy section where accomodation can easily fill up. After that, people spread out more. Do you speak any Spanish? If not, seek asistance from your host for booking your next accomodation. Without wishing to be rude, you will be one of the more ‘senior’ pilgrims, and they’ll be happy to help you out. If you have any more questions or concerns, please ask. And if you have not found the Camino Forum yet, ask on there too. Lots of helpful people.